
Never Have a Bad Batch Again

Most compare batching processes with baking a cake. You have raw ingredients such as eggs, flour, milk, and sugar which are mixed in an ordered process. Tools such as measuring spoons, mixers, and heat transform the raw ingredients into a delicious end product. When too much or two less of one ingredient or process is used our cake can be ruined or even worse burnt!

The purpose of having advanced batching systems is to help create consistently repeatable batches. A dedicated system that follows a planned structure for equipment handling, I/O controls, and recipes in your production process can produce immediate and measurable results.

Carlton Scale in conjunction with METTLER TOLEDO and Carlton Industrial Automation provides automated, semi-automated, and manual batching controllers and systems.  Systems can be combined with high-performance scale bases, weigh modules, or advanced terminals to provide a complete solution for any batching, filling, and material transfer application you may have.


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    Carlton Group Further Extends Core Business Capabilities through acquisition of Everest Scale, Inc.
